Research and Development Guidelines

Crafting research and development (R&D) guidelines is essential to nurture innovation, uphold ethical standards, and amplify the influence of research endeavours within an organization. Presented below are comprehensive guidelines for effective R&D management.

Introduction:BPIT has established an R&D Cell aimed at fostering the development of new ideas, facilitating research endeavours, and organizing seminars to enhance the growth of faculty members, students, and the organization as a whole. In alignment with this initiative, a set of guidelines has been devised to steer these efforts effectively

Innovation Cultivation: Encourage the cultivation of innovative ideas among faculty members and students, promoting a culture of creativity and exploration.

Research Facilitation: Provide support and resources to facilitate research activities, including access to funding, laboratories, and research materials.

Collaborative Environment: Foster a collaborative environment where faculty members and students can work together across disciplines and with external partners to address complex challenges and explore new opportunities.

Seminars and Workshops: Organize seminars, workshops, and training sessions to enhance the research skills and knowledge of faculty members and students, keeping them abreast of the latest developments in their respective fields.

Knowledge Dissemination: Encourage faculty members and students to disseminate their research findings through publications, presentations, and participation in conferences and symposiums.

Evaluation and Recognition: stablish mechanisms for evaluating and recognizing the contributions of faculty members and students to research and development activities, including awards, grants, and other forms of recognition.

Continuous improvement: Regularly review and refine the R&D guidelines to ensure their relevance and effectiveness in supporting the growth and development of faculty members, students, and the organization as a whole

The above guidelines aim to provide a positively oriented set of practical suggestions and targets for maintaining integrity in research. R&D guidelines help to create a framework that encourages faculty members to foster innovative ideas, technologies, and solutions through research and development activities. Also, it helps to facilitate collaboration and partnerships with internal and external stakeholders, fostering interdisciplinary approaches and leveraging diverse expertise and resources which ultimately drives organizational success and an effective societal impact.

By adhering to these guidelines, the R&D Cell aims to create a dynamic and vibrant research ecosystem that nurtures innovation, fosters collaboration, and contributes to the advancement of knowledge and the achievement of organizational goals:


The objectives of R & D Cell are as follows:

  • Development and enhancement of the Institute’s research profile.
  • Creating awareness among faculty and staff members about various research funding schemes and their sources and how to apply for the same.
  • Promoting emerging areas of research and technological advancements.
  • Developing a conducive environment for motivating and engaging staff with a knack for innovations and research in their respective areas of expertise.
  • Building research capacity and mentoring researchers.
  • Encouraging multi-disciplinary research across departments and schools.
  • Overseeing that the code of ethics in research is followed at all levels in the University.